News 2020

The recent ruling n. 76 of 13 January 2016 of the Consiglio di Stato upheld…

Even though the federal system involves the existence of different options for the protection of…

The TAR Emilia Romagna (The Regional Administrative Court of Emilia Romagna) has recently ruled (Judgement…

The Garante della Privacy (the Italian Data Protection Authority) has recently adjusted to the judgment…

A recent ruling of the Corte di Appello of Milan ‒which was published last January…

Through the 2016 Stability Law (Law no. 208/2015), the Italian legislator has sought to achieve…

The ASLA Transport Law Group – Association of Associated Law Firms (, coordinated by Alberto…

Zunarelli – Studio Legale Associato has won the award in the “Logistics” category during the…

With regard to mandatory mediation, we are once again witnessing a conflict of case law….

A meeting organized by the Russian Agency for the support of small and medium-sized enterprises…

On 11 December 2015 Prof. Stefano Zunarelli organized the meeting “Local public transport: the Italian…

A business mission of small and medium-sized enterprises of the Russian Federation was held in…

The numerous infringements concerning intellectual property and the growing number of counterfeit goods in the…

As of October 1 2015, after being tested in a few pilot areas, the Business…

By means of decision dated 2 December 2015, the Tribunale di Bologna decided over a…

The Tribunale di Bologna has recently issued a judgement concerning the effects of the cancellation…

Through a Convention signed on 31 July 2015, the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (and,…

At the Conference organized by the Law Department of the University of Bergamo, several professors…

The Russian Agency for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises, a body under the…

Labour law in the UAE is regulated by Federal Law no. 8 of 1980 (as…

In order to stimulate international trade within the territory of the UAE, a number of…

Alberto Pasino has been invited as speaker at the Conference “Technical and legal aspects of…

“Intranslaw Zagreb 2015”, the first international conference on transport and insurance, was held at the…

On the first of October the reformed Chinese Food Safety Law (FSL) –approved by the…

Italians are litigious people. Those who have found themselves having to experience the extended time…

As reported by the press (TE Trasporto Europa, 23.10.15, “Cassazione conferma esonero IMU su magazzini portuali”, Informare,…

Alberto Pasino will be one of the speakers of the 59th World Congress of the…

Prof. Stefano Zunarelli, Franco Fiorenza and Andrea Giardini have successfully represented Cosepuri Soc. Coop. in…

The Bench Court of Trieste has been requested to rule on the appeal filed by…

Support administration was introduced into Italian legislation for the purpose of allowing a lesser intrusiveness…

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