Alberto Pasino will be one of the speakers of the 62° UIA World Congress that will bring together in Porto, over one thousand lawyers from more than seventy countries, at the Centro de Congressos da Alfândega do Porto, from 30 October to 3 November.

He will take part in the Private International Law Commission’s Seminar “Private International Law Best Practices in Cross-Border Dispute Resolution” that will be held on 2nd November, starting at 9.00 a.m..


International litigation and arbitration in civil and commercial matters involve some issues that are more complex than in domestic cases. The programme will include suggestions on how to prepare documents to commence legal proceedings and what matters should be considered in order to obtain or to avoid the subsequent enforcement of the decision abroad. The programme will also address procedural strategies to achieve the best outcomes for our clients (e.g.: parallel proceedings, negative declarations, torpedo actions, and differences between litigation and arbitration including the taking of evidence in cross-border scenarios. Case studies will be used to highlight crucial points with the aim of providing a platform for exchange of experiences among all participants and to identify some best practices on these subjects.

Alberto Pasino’s presentation will analyze the issues linked to the service of the deeds instituting proceedings.

In the afternoon of 1st November the seminar jointly organized by the Transport Law, Insurance Law and Law of Robotics Commissions “Unmanned Vehicles – Where to Go Without a Driver and Who to Sue?” will take place. Driverless cars, “platooning” of trucks, automated vessels and drones: unmanned vehicles are not the fantasy of a distant future but an issue which may soon concern our daily life. The related legal issues are complex, ranging from liability (who is liable for damage to property and/or for personal injuries, how to identify the person who may be liable, and how can liability be controlled?) to insurance and its regulatory implications such as registration requirements, mandatory insurance and coverage limits. The issues may be different for semi-automated vehicles on the one hand and fully automated vehicles on the other. Unmanned vehicles and technologies like blockchain will have an influence on the supply chains; there will be issues of contractual risk management. It will be necessary to determine whether the existing legal rules, including international conventions, require amendments and to what extent they need to be amended.


Alberto Pasino will give a presentation on the issue of liability in the use of crewless ships.


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