Criminal law
We offer advice and representation in relation to criminal law, dealing inter alia with offenses committed in the course of business, also in collaboration with professionals of the economic and financial sector for the analysis and handling of the relevant technical and tax aspects.
Special attention is paid to tax, customs and bankruptcy crimes, crimen falsi, crimes against property and against government administration and, more in general, to liability of entities pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 231/2001.
We also deal with offenses against the family.
Recent work includes:
- we have represented directors and managers of airport management companies in relation to aviation accidents;
- we have assisted directors of companies providing airport services;
- we have provided assistance to a shipowner charged with smuggling for not having paid import customs duties on his vessel;
- we have assisted marina concessionaires in criminal proceedings for abuse of office and unauthorized construction;
- we have represented concessionaires of state owned property in criminal proceedings for unauthorized use of state owned land;
- we have provided assistance to employees of a company providing bunker oil for having discharged fuel into the sea;
- we have acted for an entrepreneur in proceedings concerning the sale of products with false marks on products which were not of Italian origin;
- we have represented a company liable pursuant to Italian legislative Decree 231/2001 for selling products with false “Made in Italy” indication;
- we have acted for an entrepreneur in criminal proceedings for trademark infringement, including the phase aimed at the release of the goods from seizure;
- we have acted for the legal representatives of some companies for failed VAT payment, also in the precautionary phase aimed at obtaining the release of their personal assets from seizure;
- we have assisted the liquidator of a company for failed payment of withholding taxes;
- we have represented a member of the board of directors of a corporation in bankruptcy proceedings;
- we have acted for the members of a board of auditors in proceedings concerning false information on companies and fraudulent bankruptcy;
- we have acted for an importing company charged with smuggling and use of forged certificate of origin;
- we have acted for a private individual and a company as damaged parties in proceedings for contractual fraud;
- we have acted for some companies as injured parties in criminal proceedings for usury;
- we have assisted the legal representative of a freight forwarding company charged with aggravated fraud for the failed payment of customs duties;
- we have represented some companies as injured parties in proceedings for aggravated fraud for failed payment of customs duties;
- we have assisted the legal representatives of a company that had employed non EU workers;
- we have represented several private individuals in proceedings for domestic violence and bodily harm;
- we have assisted a private individual in criminal proceedings for abduction and domestic violence.
The lawyers of the criminal law team also undertake pro bono work, having recently acted for some private individuals who were injured parties in proceedings for insults and fraud through computer technology.