As of October 1 2015, after being tested in a few pilot areas, the Business License reform has officially entered into force over the entire territory of China. Before examining its key aspects, it is necessary to place the aforementioned reform within the wider legislative framework concerning foreign investment in the PRC. Indeed, the entire…

On the first of October the reformed Chinese Food Safety Law (FSL) –approved by the National People’s Congress on 24 April– officially entered into force. It stems from the need to harmonize the management of food safety with the regulations of other countries. The new Food Safety Law must therefore be seen as a tangible…

The issue of intellectual property is of fundamental importance to whoever wishes to enter the Chinese market, whether directly or indirectly. When people think of China, they often associate it to cases of counterfeiting and faking of products. This is, however, in most cases a distorted view of reality. It is true that in the…

In November 2014, 22 member countries of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) approved the creation of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), with an initial capital of $ 50 billion provided mainly by China and India. According to the Chinese and Indian representatives the new bank will grant credit based on criteria of “justice, fairness…

2014 marked a turning point in the Chinese economy, where for the first time capital flows out of the country equaled foreign direct investment inflows. On this macroeconomic basis and in the light of further deregulation promoted by the Beijing authorities, 2015 promises to further increase the trend of growth which -thanks to the special…

The Italian government has recently signed a memorandum of under-standing with Yun Ma, founder and chairman of the Chinese colossus of online commerce Alibaba, in order to create conditions for greater opportunities for the Italian companies through the group’s web platforms. The E-commerce sector, in fact, represents an important opportunity for business; it is recording…

Among the important news of the package of measures contained in the draft of the implementation decree of the fiscal delegation promoted by the government, the Italian legislators have decided to intervene also on the specific regulations provided for companies that maintain relations with countries included in the so-called black list. As known, such list…

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