With regard to mandatory mediation, we are once again witnessing a conflict of case law. Two recent decisions, one by the Consiglio di Stato and one by the Tribunale di Firenze, have adopted two different interpretations of the correct application of the institute. After reading the two judgments, one is naturally led to wonder whether…

Through a Convention signed on 31 July 2015, the Italian Ministry of Economic Development (and, more specifically, the General Directorate for Combating Counterfeiting – Italian Patent and Trademark Office – UIBM) has entrusted Unioncamere with the task of creating a support programme in favour of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) for the enhancement of…

Italians are litigious people. Those who have found themselves having to experience the extended time frames of the Italian justice system are well aware of it. These time frames are too often stretched by opposing parties who are often unwilling to settle the dispute out of court, in disregard of the obvious possibility of reaching…

By means of measure no. 25487, published in Bulletin no. 21 of 15 June 2015, the Italian Antitrust Authority, charged the CNF (the Italian National Bar Council) with the violation of art. 15 paragraph 2 of Law 287/90 for failure to comply with a previous decision of the same authority, no. 25154 October 2014. Through…

As usual, when summer ends the number of Court cases is increased by a peculiar kind of disputes: those concerning claims for damages caused by contractual breaches of tour operators and travel agents. These situations are referred to as “damages for ruined holidays”. What are they exactly, and what are the safeguards for those who…

Eagerly awaited and resulting from a lengthy debate at Parliament, the Law on quick divorce impacts the procedural rules of separation and divorce, modifying the time required for the filing of the divorce application by separated couples. On 26 May 2015, Law 6 May 2015, n. 55, the so-called Law on “quick divorce”, entered into…

How often have you been forced to abandon the recovery of a debt or the enforcement of a judgment against a debtor residing abroad? Court fees, extended time frames, legal counsel in your Country, legal counsel abroad and no certainty of achieving a result. From now on this should be only a bad memory. Europe…

With the entry into force of the “Balduzzi” law (n. 189/2012), the legislator had intended to intervene in an area, the health sector, which is strongly characterized by the excessive exposure of the medical staff to criminal and civil liability. The law was aimed at two main objectives: – limiting the liability of individual physicians…

Companies are often exposed to bold executive actions by suppliers, whom, in possession of a provisionally enforceable title, act coercively – often also pending the decision on the request for the suspension of enforceability of the title – with attachments on goods, immovable property and garnishments. In these cases it is appropriate to promptly resist…

Legislative Decree n. 90/2014 introduced some important news regarding telematic civil proceedings and services via certified e-mail carried out by lawyers. By means of the above-mentioned decree ​​the electronic filing of documents during civil proceedings has become mandatory. The decree also expanded and clarified the cases in which  lawyers can serve judicial documents via certified…

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